Tinjauan Hukum Proses Penetapan Tersangka Kasus Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor


  • Sudirto Binding Universitas Icshan Gorontalo
  • Muslimah




motor vehicle theft, Determination of the suspect


Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the process of determining the suspect in the motor vehicle theft case at the Pohuwato Police. And to find out and analyze the factors that become obstacles in the process of determining the suspect in the motor vehicle theft case at the Pohuwato Police. The method used in this thesis is an empirical legal research method The results in this study were 1) The process of determining the suspect in the motor vehicle theft case at the Pohuwato Police, namely through the suspect determination mechanism as carried out in the case of Police Report Report Number LP / 200 / XII / 2019 / SPKT / Res-Phwt, December 6 and Letter Investigation Order Number: SP fingerprint / 84 I XII / 2019 / Reskrim, dated December 6, 2019 in which the case title in the case raised includes the title of an ordinary case at the initial stage of the investigation. The Standard Operating Procedure in the title of the curanmor case remains in accordance with the Regulation of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Police Number 4 of 2014 concerning Standard Operating Procedures for Criminal Investigation Supervision. 2) Obstacles in determining the suspect in the criminal act of motor vehicle theft at the Pohuwato Police: a. lack of witnesses to see. b. Searching for evidence and suspects experiencing difficulties due to the absence or lack of clues c. Usually curanmor cases stop at the investigation stage. Apart from the above, there are still internal obstacles within Pohuwato Police and external obstacles The suggestion in this thesis is that there is a need for a new breakthrough in terms of handling and resolving curanmor cases. In this case, new operations and methods need to be formulated so that the Pohuwato Police can handle motor vehicle theft cases effectively.


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How to Cite

S. Binding and Muslimah, “Tinjauan Hukum Proses Penetapan Tersangka Kasus Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor”, J. Law Justice, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 27–34, Jan. 2023.



